With over 600 participants expected to attend, the Sixth International Marine Debris Conference (6IMDC) provides a unique opportunity to promote science, collaboration, innovation, and action in the marine debris community.
Participants will be surrounded by fellow marine debris advocates, educators, researchers, and pioneers during the five-day event taking place in San Diego, California, USA on March 12 -16, 2018.
Check out the new and exciting 6IMDC opportunities:
1. Call for Abstracts/Posters: The 6IMDC is seeking a broad range of oral and poster presentations. A total of 75 sessions have been identified and abstract and poster submissions for the ten track areas are welcome. Visit the Abstracts page to submit your ideas.
2. Early Registration: Make sure you register as soon as possible to secure your spot at the 6IMDC. Registration fees include full access to the 5-day event's plenary sessions, technical breakouts, refreshments, networking opportunities, and much more. Registration will be limited to 600 participants. Visit the Registration page to learn more.
3. Book Your Hotel Room: The 6IMDC will take place at the Hilton Mission Bay property located on the waterfront in San Diego, California, USA. With an entire hotel-takeover of the Hilton Mission Bay property, guests will have an exclusive experience surrounded by fellow peers. Space is limited, so please book today. Visit the Location page to learn more.
4. Travel Award Application: We also are pleased to announce the availability of travel awards, which will be evaluated on a competitive basis. Visit the Travel Awards page to learn more.
5. Join the 6IMDC Email Update List: Subscribe to the 6IMDC Updates Email List to get the latest in 6IMDC news, important dates, and ways to participate leading up to the conference. Contact info@6IMDC.org if you have any questions.
Looking forward to seeing you at the 6IMDC!

Just like to receive info for now. Tk you, Patrizia