Following a highly competitive review process, the NOAA Marine Debris Program is pleased to announce the 14 recipients of our 2019 removal and research grant awards totaling approximately $2.7 million in federal funds.
No matter where you live, your daily decisions can have a meaningful impact on the Great Lakes, waterways, and ocean near you. Everyday trash can travel from a landlocked state, down a storm drain, into a river, and out to sea. According to the International Coastal Cleanup report of 2018, items such as food wrappers, straws, and plastic take out containers all made the “top ten items collected” during last year’s cleanup. What do all of these items have in common and how can we help to lessen the amount collected? One place to start is with school lunches.
One way to describe a National Marine Sanctuary (NMS) is to consider it a “National Park of the Ocean”, and much like our park system, these ocean parks are special areas that protect important marine and freshwater ecosystems around the nation. Each year, the sanctuaries celebrate Get Into Your Sanctuary, a day or days to raise awareness about the value of our national marine sanctuaries as iconic destinations for responsible recreation through a series of special activities.
It’s National Coloring Book Day and we are celebrating by encouraging you to explore our digital educational curricula or a downloadable coloring page. There are many benefits associated with coloring, not to mention the opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind piece of art or an up-cycled card for a friend. So grab that scrap paper from the recycling bin or download a page from the web, and let’s get started!