The NOAA Marine Debris Program (MDP) is pleased to share the 2020 Florida Marine Debris Reduction Plan. This document is the result of a collaborative effort between the NOAA Marine Debris Program and local, state, and federal governments; nonprofits; industry; and academic institutions, and represents a partner-led effort to guide marine debris actions in Florida for the next five years.
Throughout Florida, numerous organizations work to address marine debris through education, prevention, removal, and research efforts. The Florida Marine Debris Reduction Plan (Reduction Plan) establishes a comprehensive framework for strategic action to help ensure that Florida and its coasts, people, and wildlife are free from the impacts of marine debris.
The Reduction Plan has five goals, further defined by strategies and specific actions:
- Goal 1: Reduce the Amount of Abandoned and Derelict Vessels.
- Goal 2: Reduce the Amount of Derelict Fishing Gear.
- Goal 3: Increase the Capacity to Respond to Emergency Debris.
- Goal 4: Increase Community Action to Prevent and Reduce Marine Debris.
- Goal 5: Provide Data and Conduct Targeted Research to Reduce the Impacts of Marine Debris, Inform Decision Making, and Improve Natural Resource Management.
Using feedback from the previous 2017 Florida Marine Debris Reduction Guidance Plan, the MDP solicited stakeholder input to the Reduction Plan through a workshop in May 2019. Following the workshop, the draft Reduction Plan was distributed to both attendees and the wider Florida marine debris community for additional feedback, and to provide further opportunity for partners to volunteer to participate in action strategies. Forty-one partners committed to a total of 140 actions.
The Reduction Plan encompasses work that will be undertaken in the next five years (2020-2025), and participants will meet annually to report on the status of actions.
The MDP greatly appreciates this collaborative effort. For more information, please contact Ashley Hill at (