Now Open: FY19 Grant Opportunity for Community-based Marine Debris Removal Projects

Posted Mon, 08/20/2018 - 15:44

The NOAA Marine Debris Program is proud to announce our FY19 “Marine Debris Removal” federal funding opportunity.

Projects awarded through the removal grant competition will create long-term, quantifiable ecological habitat improvements for NOAA trust resources, with priority consideration for efforts targeting derelict fishing gear and other medium- and large-scale debris. Projects should also foster public awareness of the effects of marine debris to further the conservation of living marine resource habitats, and contribute to the understanding of marine debris composition, distribution and impacts.

The submission period for removal proposals will extend from August 20 - October 29, 2018.
For more information on this FY19 grant opportunity, please visit and the NOAA Marine Debris Program’s website.

Now Open: FY19 Grant Opportunity for Community-based Marine Debris Removal Projects

Posted Mon, 08/20/2018 - 15:44

For citation purposes, unless otherwise noted, this article was authored by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.

The Marine Debris Blog is no longer accepting comments but continues to display past contributions.

Carol Oliver

Tue, 09/04/2018 - 19:53

The Community of Golovin is a subsistence, and a commercial salmon and crabbing village. The resources are vital to our residents and the State. We believe that by keeping our land and waters free of debris, that by doing so it will protect the health of our people and resources. Besides sea mammals we rely on other fish species, and plants, berries that cover coastlands.

Currently, we are in the process of collecting debris in and around the dilapidated fish processing plant which is falling in to our Lagoon, by gathering and storing the debris we feel that we are protecting the land, air and waters which all life forms rely on. The fish processing plant has fallen in to the Lagoon due to erosion and the changing climate. It is real and it is a sad site to see.