The NOAA Marine Debris Program is proud to present the Hawai‘i Marine Debris Action Plan 2010-2020 Accomplishments Report.
The Hawai‘i Marine Debris Action Plan (Action Plan) was the first community-based marine debris action plan in the nation facilitated by the NOAA Marine Debris Program. Established in 2010 and updated four times, it is a comprehensive framework for strategic action to reduce the ecological, health and safety, and economic impacts of marine debris in Hawai‘i by 2020. Over the ten years of the plan, partnerships and participation have increased, and together this steadfast community has made huge strides in understanding and mitigating marine debris in the islands.
This report provides a history of the Action Plan and celebrates the accomplishments of the community. A long history of community-led environmental stewardship has laid the foundation for the Action Plan. The NOAA Marine Debris Program recognizes and thanks these partners whose on-the-ground work has carried and matured the Action Plan during the past 10 years. Every action, from daily tasks to large initiatives, has been a crucial building block in creating the strong marine debris community that exists in Hawai‘i today. In doing so, this Action Plan serves as an example for what is possible when communities connect, communicate, and coordinate their efforts.
To read more about accomplishments from the last ten years, view the full report.