The NOAA Marine Debris Program is proud to announce our FY 2020 “Marine Debris Prevention” federal funding opportunity.
This opportunity provides funding for projects that actively engage and educate a target audience (such as students, teachers, industries, or the public) in hands-on programs designed to raise awareness, provide practical approaches, reduce barriers, and encourage and support changes in behaviors to ensure long-term prevention of marine debris.
The Letter of Intent (LOI) submission period for prevention projects will extend from September 17 to November 5, 2019. Applicants who submit successful LOIs will be invited to submit a full proposal following the LOI review period.
For more information on this FY 2020 grant opportunity, please visit and the NOAA Marine Debris Program’s website.

I am a civilian and do not have many resources to create a presentable presentation on the innovative ideas I have to resolve the ocean plastic crisis.
This project is pretty ambitious, yet the funding will provide quicker results to resolve this global mess.
Sincerely, Artèmio Xerxex Bravo