Happy World Ocean Day to everyone that lives on this big, blue planet! Each year, we celebrate this day by honoring our global ocean and all that it does for us. From the food we eat to the air we breathe, we are all connected to the ocean. This year’s theme, “our oceans, our future,” reminds us how we are always connected with the marine environment. Unfortunately, the ocean faces many threats, one of which is marine debris. Huge amounts of marine debris enter our ocean every day, jeopardizing its future health and making marine debris one of the most widespread pollution problems facing the ocean today.
Sadly, the marine debris problem is entirely caused by people. However, that means that people have the power to be the solution! Let’s keep our future and the future of our ocean in mind as we work together to address this very preventable problem. Every single one of us can help our ocean by fighting marine debris through simple things like reducing, reusing, and recycling. So, on World Ocean Day and every day, let’s celebrate our ocean by fighting marine debris!