Monday is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and let’s remember that it’s not just a day off from work and school, but a day to think about what it means for our country. To commemorate a great man who spent his life serving others, this day has become a time to come together to give back to our communities and volunteer our time to a good cause. If you’d like to participate in MLK Day of Service, consider joining a cleanup in your area. Cleaning up your local shoreline or even just your neighborhood can help prevent trash from becoming marine debris and can help to create a healthy ocean that we can all enjoy.
Groups across the country host cleanup events throughout the weekend and volunteers are always welcome. If you can’t make it to an organized event, consider either organizing your own and using the Marine Debris Tracker app to record your finds, or just grabbing a trash bag and some gloves and cleaning up your local area. No effort is too small. If you choose to serve on your own, please remember “safety first!” Interested in getting involved in cleanups in the future, too? Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter to get updates on upcoming cleanups around the country.
Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! Enjoy giving back to others.

Do you think adding some trash receptacles high up on the beaches, properly made to blend in with beach fauna and rocks/wood and anchored down somehow?? I just don’t understand the minds that think littering is ok. We were taught not to litter and when visiting a “wild” place, or any place, to take everything with you that you brought and leave nothing more than your actual footprint.